Trafford CCG selects Lexacom 3 as their document creation system of choice
Lexacom, the UK’s leading provider of digital dictation and speech recognition, has been chosen to roll out Lexacom 3 to Trafford GP Practices. 29 Practices will be using Lexacom 3, enabling them to make referrals, create documents and record clinical notes more accurately and efficiently.
Before Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) made Lexacom 3 their system of choice, several member practices were already using the software. These practices were able to demonstrate to the CCG that Lexacom 3, which is the only system that incorporates digital dictation, speech recognition and secure outsourced transcription in a single product, has allowed them to work more efficiently. As a result of this and with the integration of all major clinical systems, including SystmOne, Lexacom 3 was the solution that Trafford CCG had been looking for.
By providing Lexacom 3 for all GP Practices, Trafford CCG have given the users access to the sophisticated functionality that Lexacom 3 offers. They are now well placed to maximise its capabilities to improve the efficiency and accuracy of document creation.
Dr. Andrew Whiteley, Managing Director of Lexacom said “I am delighted that Trafford CCG has chosen to work with us to provide our document creation solution to Trafford GP Practices. With the use of Lexacom 3, they now have the capability to work from the same system, creating a more efficient working practice. It confirms my firmly held belief that Lexacom 3 is the system of choice for healthcare”.
The Lexacom 3 platform is used extensively by CCGs, Federations, GPs and Healthcare specialists throughout the UK. Created and designed by a former practicing GP, the platform continues to focus on making referrals, documents and recording notes as accurately and efficiently as possible for a practice team.