Now that you have registered for the service, the Lexacom Administrator must now create a Lexacom Scribe Typing Pool. This will be the location used to outsource your dictations.
Log in to Lexacom Administrator
Go to > Settings > Users Editor
Select Pools and Click New
Create a new pool:
Name = Lexacom Scribe
Type = Third Party Service
Target = Lexacom Scribe
Click Save
Note – this will not work if you have not successfully registered using the How To Register For Lexacom Scribe Guide
After you have configured the typing pool, you must consider who will have access to this Pool and therefore –
Who will send dictations to Lexacom Scribe?
Dictations can be sent from Talk, Type or Admin users but you can control who has this ability.
Where do I want the completed Lexacom Scribe dictations to be returned to?
Lexacom Scribe dictations can be returned to Lexacom Talk or Type users for review