Make patient communication faster

Lexacom Echo speech recognition can place your words anywhere: wherever you are working and whatever you are dictating, speed up the entry of clinical data by talking instead of typing:

  • make clinical notes in all clinical systems
  • create tasks and templates
  • dictate letters in Microsoft Word, and emails in Outlook
  • send messages in patient communication platforms

Real-time transcription

Lexacom Echo is highly accurate thanks to its inbuilt medical vocabulary, so you can rely on it to display your words correctly and save you time. When asked about its accuracy, our customers gave it a satisfaction score of 94%.

Another aspect contributing to Lexacom Echo’s market-leading accuracy is contextual recognition, where intelligent technology analyses whole sentences to determine what you mean: so if two words sounds the same, the correct word is selected.

It’s quick to get started with Lexacom Echo, as it’s an easy to set up, cloud based application, requiring no voice training.

Voice prompts

There are a range of built in commands to control and navigate Windows applications and clinical systems: view the available commands for the software you’re currently using by asking Lexacom Echo, “What can I say?”. You can also create your own custom voice commands.

You can save even more time by inserting sections of text you regularly use with prompt phrases. We call these text snippets, and they are completely customisable; use them for email signatures, parts of letters, common medication reviews, anything you like!

Unique features

Lexacom Echo is the only speech recognition software that can:

  • add definitions to medical terms, to give patients a better understanding of their health when reading their medical records in the NHS App
  • automatically code clinical data: subjective and objective codes being added as you speak, diagnostic and chronic disease monitoring codes being manually triggered by saying “SNOMED…” and then the condition
  • convert medical phrases into shorthand to save clinicians even more time

All of these capabilities are activated as you need them, with the click of a button.

Dictate into Accurx

Here is Lexacom Echo dictating both free text, and also text snippets, into Accurx digital communication software. Shown is Lexacom Echo running neatly within the Lexacom application bar; it can also run as a standalone app in a small toolbar of its own.


Find out more

Book a live demonstration and see how Lexacom Echo can bring new efficiencies to your work.

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