A clinician having a consultation with a patient in a nursing home

Ambient AI turns natural patient conversations into accurate clinical notes

One of the latest additions to Lexacom’s Comprehension Engine® is ambient AI, which listens to conversations between clinicians and patients, and automatically generates accurate clinical notes.

Generate clinical notes from anywhere with ambient AI

Generate notes anywhere

What sets Lexacom’s artificial intelligence apart is its integration into our workflows. Wherever clinicians are working, their notes can be processed to suit the requirements of each practice.

  • Consultations within practices
  • Dictations made on home visits
  • Clinical notes from nursing homes
  • Both sides of telephone calls

The power of AI, customised to any working practice

Book a demonstration and discover how ambient AI from Lexacom can be customised to any working practice. Generate clinical notes, documents, referrals, letters, and emails. Send them to secretarial staff, send them back to the clinician for review, to a colleague for a second opinion, or send directly to patients.

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Turn natural conversations into accurate clinical notes


Give patients your complete attention

For over 25 years clinicians have relied upon Lexacom in their daily work, and over that time we have seen their roles and responsibilities evolve, with ever increasing patient numbers and administrative requirements chipping away at quality face-to-face patient time.

Artificial intelligence, used carefully and thoughtfully, offers a real opportunity to reverse some of these trends. Feedback from our customer base shows that ambient AI has the power to transform how patient care is delivered.

Experience the return of face-to-face care, let Lexacom generate your clinical notes.

  • Summarise consultations from natural patient conversations
  • Generate accurate clinical notes, referrals, letters, and emails
  • Output subjective, objective, assessment and plan (SOAP) documentation
  • Spend less time on admin, and more time with patients
  • Use AI to summarise both live and historical consultations
  • Clinicians review and approve the results

Book a demonstration

Automatically generate clinical notes from anywhere with ambient AI

The history of Comprehension Engine®

We launched our own intelligence in 2021, Comprehension Engine®, with its unique ability to recognise spoken or written medical phrases and convert them either into abbreviations or detailed descriptions, saving clinicians time when making notes.

In 2022 we added another unique ability to Comprehension Engine®, that of explaining medical terms to patients. A YouGov poll of 2,000 UK adults found that with Lexacom, public understanding of medical terms improves more fivefold.

2023 saw Lexacom become the only company able to automatically code clinical information, both live as words are spoken by clinicians and with a click of a button on existing text, again through the power of Comprehension Engine®.

Today, the Comprehension Engine® ability to generate accurate clinical notes from conversations between clinicians and patients marks just the start of a wave of new features and functions, designed by clinicians and with the feedback of our 25,000 users, to support the current needs of general practice.

Find out more

Give patients your complete attention

Bring Comprehension Engine® capabilities to your work

Book a demonstration to see all of the ways Lexacom can save time and improve the patient journey.

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