How can we help you today? Remote access Do you need help with Lexacom 3? Talk Type Admin Installation & Configuration Webinar Training Frequently Asked Questions Can I send a dictation from Lexacom Type back to the Lexacom Talk user? Can I view a dictation’s audit history? How do I add a new user to Lexacom? How do I change a dictations "Transferring" status? How do I change my Lexacom Cloud password? How do I change my Lexacom password? How do I change the Lexacom Administrator password? How do I configure EMIS Web with Lexacom 3? How do I configure SystmOne with Lexacom 3? How do I install Lexacom on to my PC? How do I register for Lexacom Mobile? How do I register for Lexacom Scribe? How do I track a dictation in Lexacom? I am locked out of Lexacom I have forgotten my password I think a dictation might be missing or lost I’m a new user, how does Lexacom Administrator work? I’m a new user, how does Lexacom Talk work? I’m a new user, how does Lexacom Type work? I’m receiving a Dictation Alert message in Lexacom Talk, what does it mean? I’ve forgotten my password Is Lexacom 3 compatible with Windows 11? Is my microphone broken? What does no licence available mean? What Is A Lexacom Administrator What is a Lexacom Cloud account? What is the latest version of Lexacom 3? Why does the recording bar change between Green and Red in Lexacom Talk? More FAQ's Need a refresher? Join our webinar to find out how to make the most of your Lexacom system. Learn more