First, make sure that the correct microphone that you want to use is selected in the Echo Settings. Not using the correct microphone can have a significant impact on accuracy.
For speech recognition to be accurate, the system must receive high quality sound. How you hold and use you microphone is highly important. If the microphone is held too close, or your voice is going directly into it, this can cause sound distortion and poor accuracy. For best speech recognition:
Hold the microphone 5-10 cm away from your mouth
It should be held nearly vertically, tilting slightly away from you
Your voice should be directed over the top of the microphone
Many microphones also have different modes which affect how they receive sound. Your microphone should be in the mode which is best suited for speech recognition. The instructions
below relate to the Olympus RM 4010P. For other models you will need to consult your device user manual.
Press the F1 and INS/OVR buttons together on the microphone. A light will appear above the button
If the light is green, no further action is needed. If the light is red or blue, hold down the buttons for several seconds until you hear a beep and the light changes colour. Repeat if
needed until the light is green
Opening Echo 2
Make sure that the microphone you wish to use is plugged in before opening Echo. To open the application, double click the Echo icon on your desktop or select Echo from the
Windows Start menu.
You will be asked to log in. These are the same details you used to log in to download the software. If you have forgotten your password, please see the section above about how this can be reset.
Echo will then load at the top of the screen. If you wish, you can click and hold the mouse to drag it to a different position.
To move Echo is a different screen, click the gear in the top left and use the Monitors option.
Dictating text
Click into a text field in a program so the cursor is flashing. If you are using a handheld microphone, hold the record button on the microphone. The centre of Echo will turn into red animated lines. This means Echo is listening and you can start speaking.
If you are using a headset or a built-in microphone, you can control Echo using a hotkey on your keyboard. By default, this is the ‘+’ key on the numberpad on the right side of the keyboard. Press the key to switch the microphone on and press the button a second time to switch the microphone off when you are finished. This key can be changed to a different hotkey if you prefer. This can be done in the Echo Settings See Recording Hotkey support page.
Keep the microphone button held down and speak clearly in your normal voice. You should speak to Echo in fluent, full sentences
Punctuation such as ‘comma’ and ‘full stop’ can be said and Echo will include those in the text produced. There are other useful voice commands such as ‘new line’ and ‘new paragraph’. Please see How To Use Echo Voice Commands for full details.
Release the record button, or press the keyboard hotkey, when you have finished speaking. The text will then be inserted. Switch the microphone on again to dictate more text when you wish.
To use Echo in a different program, or into a different location in the same program, simply click the mouse cursor. Echo will write text wherever the mouse cursor is currently clicked and flashing.
If you find that there are words, phrases, or acronyms that Echo doesn’t transcribe successfully it may be that they are not yet in the vocabulary. You can submit feedback to help us update and improve the vocabulary. Please see How To Provide Feedback For Vocabulary Improvements for full details.
Dictation Top Tips
Make sure you have the correct microphone selected in the Echo Settings to get the best accuracy
Speak fluently in full sentences for the best results
Only keep the recording button held when you are actively speaking
The cursor must be clicked into a text field in a program so Echo can insert the text
Be aware of your environment. Noise such as radios, fans and other voices can affect accuracy
Keep the microphone a consistent distance from your mouth of around 5-10 cm